Describing the heavy-ion above-barrier fusion using the bare potentials resulting from migdal and m3y double-folding approaches
Describing the heavy-ion above-barrier fusion using the bare potentials resulting from migdal and m3y double-folding approaches
Авторы: Chushnyakova M.V. , Gontchar I. I.
Дата публикации: 2016
Просмотров: 330
Вид документа: Статья из журнала
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Gontchar, I. I. Describing the heavy-ion above-barrier fusion using the bare potentials resulting from migdal and m3y double-folding approaches / I. I. Gontchar, M. V. Chushnyakova // Journal of physics g: nuclear and particle physics. - 2016. - Vol. 43.- № 4. - С. P. 045111